------------VERSION 1.2------------
Refactored pieces to remove enums: completely removed PieceType and Moveset
Refactored playerTurn in game manager to player enum.
Renamed start_x, start_y to camelCase.
Refactored colors in View.
Fixed bugs with king and pawn hopping.
Added stalemate.
Added GUI controller & game loop, undo, move history.
Added tests: testStaleMate, testPawnHop, testUndo, testHistory, testKingLimit
------------VERSION 1.1------------
refactored attemptMove_andTestCheck to return boolean
refactored MoveThis to return boolean
refactored board, eliminated a large portion of code and if statements checking the piece type
refactored pieces, adding copy and new constructor
refactored to subdirectories
Refactored many functions to return enums and added player enum
GUI View
BerolinaPawn and Wazir custom pieces.
Javadoc & Doxygen documentation